The first problem is that the term "bandwidth" is deceiving, because there are no "bands" and it doesn't have any width. Internet "bandwidth" is not a spectrum; traffic streams are one bit at a time. Bandwidth on the internet can only be conceptualized over time, and the amount of time that you talk about can greatly change the user experience. For example, if you say that a user gets 256Kb/second, does that mean every second? Can he get 512Kb/s in one second and none the next? Thats 256Kb/s. Or a megabit one second and then no bandwidth for the next 3 seconds? What about slices of a second?
Luckily, end users don't know what bandwidth is either, so you can usually trick them into thinking you're giving them something good. But as a provider, or someone involved with the management of bandwidth, you have to understand whats really happening. When you talk about "allocating" bandwidth, you have to realize that its not like setting aside a lane on a highway, because there is only one lane on the internet. All of the bits travel up the same pipe. So you are really only allocating a time slot, which can have a variety of properties, and things will work quite differently depending on the amount of time you use as your baseline.
The goal may be to share available bandwidth equally among devices, or to allocate more bandwidth to users in higher service level classes by enforcing service level agreements, allowing them to get a higher quality of service (QoS).
QoS is a term that can refer to several aspects of bandwidth management, and also is a term that describes the end result of bandwidth management. By controlling users and traffic, reducing flows and the dropped packets and retransmissions that result from an overloaded network, a higher quality of service is delivered to your users and clients.
The Smart Guard Bandwidth Management lots of features and competes well with the highest end bandwidth management solutions. Some main features are given below, for detail please see the features page.
Bandwidth Management
Pool Management
Policy Management
Package Management
DHCP Support
Real IP support
Content filtering (database)
Payment gateway / SMS gateway
Server Logs / Graphs
SNet Management
Reseller Billing
PPC Module
Bursting is a powerful feature of the Smart Guard that allows for a higher quality of service at a given service level, by adding a higher "burst" bandwidth limit. When resources are available, short periods of traffic at the burst limit are allowed. The flexible configuration allows setting of the burst, and defining exactly under which conditions bursting is allowed, allowing virtually unlimited flexibility in developing tiered service levels and dynamic control of traffic flows that respond to network conditions.
Virtually everyone with an internet connection and multiple users can benefit from bandwidth management. Unless you have much more bandwidth than you need all of the time, a bandwidth manager can provide significant improvement in bandwidth utilization, and in effect can yield increased productivity with less bandwidth.
The most important reason to use a bandwidth management is to be able to get more out of less bandwidth. What's the value of being able to double the number of clients that you can service with a particular amount of bandwidth? What's the value of being able to offer services that appear similar to those provided by larger competitors? What's the value of being able to charge more for a higher quality of service? All of these are made possible with the addition of bandwidth management to your network.
In today's environment, it's necessary to provide customers with high-speed connections (via cable, wireless, etc.,) but also there is pressure to provide these services at a competitive cost. Smart Guard allows you to control your customer's usage so that you can manage your critical backbone bandwidth. In today's world where the "appearance" of unmitigated bandwidth is critical, having a product that can deliver a subjectively high quality of service while limiting overall usage and bandwidth costs is of the utmost importance if you want to remain competitive.
Colleges and universities provide a challenging environment for network operators. Unlike most ISPs whose customer base is not home and logged in continuously, educational institutions might get 20 hours a day of high and randomly distributed usage. The ability to control thousands of simultaneous users at high throughput is a challenging task that most softwares on the market simply can't handle. With our implementation, Smart Guard can do what you need it to do.
Yes. The Smart Guard controls traffic bi-directionally, allowing you to completely control traffic in either or both directions through an interface with a single policy, using either symmetric or asymmetric limits. You can also completely control a virtual host on the same machine as the bandwidth manager or control traffic for your entire intranet with a single unit.
Till now thorugh Smart Guard maximum tested traffic is 500 MBPS.MS_CS scenario it can goes upto indefinite.
There is virtually no limit to the number of rules or policies that you can define with the Smart Guard. You can control thousands of hosts and devices individually or create groups with almost unlimited flexibility. There are many factors that determine the capacity of a particular system, and they are difficult to quantify. The software is optimized to use IP addresses, which allows an ISP or university to manage every IP in their domain space. 30-50K addressess is quite possible without sacrificing much performance.
The Smart Guard has some useful firewalling capabilities; however, it is not a full-featured firewall product, nor is it intended to be a primary firewall for a substantial network. You can block services and hosts with the firewall capabilities and it is suitable as a general firewall. If you need extensive firewall features its recommended that you front-end the bandwidth management device with a standalone, firewall product.
The answer is, it's both. At the core, Smart Guard is a software product; however, when sold as a complete turn-key appliance, it is a hardware product as well. The Software Appliance can be installed on a customer's own hardware, or a completely tested and well-supported Hardware Appliance can be purchased directly from us.
In Smart Guard we have user licenses started from 25 users,50 users,100 users and it goes up to client requirement.
When we are talking about users license, it can be extended on any point of time the only effect is on commercials.
Our system images run on Centos 6.0 We have 32-bit version available. Installation for the Software Appliance is done by an automated program via data encrypted DVD. Apart from that no other OS is required. We need a dedicated blank HDD for installing Smart Guard.
When you purchase one of our software version, you are buying a well-tested, well-supported complete solution that is ready to go with minimal set-up — just assign the IP address and passwords. Theres no need to worry about an incompatible motherboard chipset, drive controller, or an unsupported or inefficient NIC. We have tested and qualified the software to perform at an optimum level.
The Smart Guard software requires a software authorization key that has a cost that ranges starts from USD 200. Please contact us at for more information on licensing costs.
We have .iso image which you can download from our web site ( The demo is completely self-contained. You simply boot from the DVD and a mini version of our concept will run on your hardware, provided you have compatible hardware. After that our support team will help you further for licensing process.
The Demo provides exposure to all the features so that you can evaluate our concept to other products. Demo max. Can be 7 days.
In order to use the Smart Guard, you need a license. Before we issue a license, we need some info about your system, which is delivered by the support team. To generate a license request, just mail to
Once you receive your license, it needs to be saved to given GUI..
Once the license is installed, you can start the system with default username password on given url
URL : http;//PublicIP/admin.php
Username - admin
Password - admin
Licenses will active, you just need to replace your hardware after that you can reactivate the whole concept by yourself.
Some of our competitors charge more for support than we do for our product. Some customers seem to think that "support" means that we now work for you, and are somehow obligated to walk you through every aspect of setting up the system. This, however, is not the case.
We support the software in terms of functioning, and we answer questions about how the features work. We may point you at a section of the manual, or make a suggestion of what feature to use. Basic support only includes this kind of support. Premium support, which is an additional charge, will get you more complicated explanations and suggestions. We may suggest strategies or methods for achieving certain goals.
Under no circumstances will we debug your network or a complicated ruleset for you. Its simply impossible for us to find a problem in some big mess created by a customer who has never read the manual. If you have a specific problem, set up a small set of rules and a controlled test and present us with the results.
We also can't debug problems interfacing with other equipment. We'll certainly tell you what settings are available, but if your system can't communicate with your ABC model switch, you'll have to figure it out yourself. We don't provide network consulting, Typically such problems will be resolved while running the demo, so if they come up later it usually has little to do with our product.
One thing we ask is that you don't call us on the telephone. All support is provided via an online ticketing system. Although impersonal, this documents all corresponce which avoids he said - she said problems in the future, allows multiple people to review the problems without redundancy, and avoids the time wasted by people who speak different languages trying to understand each other. We want to provide the best support we can for as many customers as we can, and in order to achieve this, you might have to wait an hour or 2 for your answer. During business hours, you'll find us to be quite prompt. Our system has worked for many years and it allows us to do a very good job supporting many 100s of customers at a time..
Support is 20% of software price per/year, first year support is included in software price, which includes unlimited support via our ticket system and same version upgrades. We've just released V6 so we don't expect a major release in the foreseeable future. You have 30 days to renew your license after expiration before there is a penalty. If your license is expired for more than 30 days, the cost to re-instate it is prorated at 75% of the value of the license.
In order to get a replacement or an upgrade you need to have current support.
Well, In Smart guard cache server space depend on your web traffic e.g 100 users= 20GB & Smart guard Cache support onle web traffic.
Well, In Smart guard You can add multiple subnets & Ip series via Virtual network Option in Smart guard.
If you are using dhcp then every user got there username/passwordd or if users are without authentication then user defined by ip address which is created in Smart guard also there will be one l3/l2 switch after Smart guard.
Yes Smart guard work as DNS Server/ also Port Forwarding option is available. (Note:- here DNS means you can use at client end as preferred DNS and Secondary DNS eth1 ip address)
Yes, Content filtering Module is active in Smart guard,by this you can block sites with keywords,IP's,URL's.
Yes,In Smart guard there are logs for users activity as well as activities on server also.
Yes, but you have to confirm us the details you want example (date of issue and time). We will provide you the logs.
you can take the backup online manually or you can schedule the backup.if you want automated backup can done on web space.
Yes, invoice option also prepaid option is in Smart guard.
Yes,you can create the plan & packages according to client requirement. e.g data limit plans,unlimited plans,monthly plans,weekly plans, time limit plans,speed limit plans etc.